韩国首尔 -- 韩国被弹劾的保守派总统尹锡悦(Yoon Suk Yeol)于周六从监狱获释,此前一天,首尔法院取消了对他的逮捕,允许他以叛乱罪接受审判而不被拘留。
El presidente de República de Corea, Yoon Suk-yeol, será liberado después de que la fiscalía decidiera no apelar la orden de ...
The South Korean impeached President Yoon Suk Yeol bows outside the Seoul detention center after his release in Uiwang, South ...
South Korea's court on Friday approved the release of the arrested President Yoon Suk-yeol, according to multiple media ...
韩国宪法法院正进入审理的最后阶段,预计将于3月就是否弹劾总统尹锡悦(Yoon Suk Yeol)作出裁决,此案涉及他在去年12月短暂试图实施戒严一事。