据半导体业者透露,美国亚利桑那州州长Katie Hobbs将率领代表团于3月17日专程访问中国台湾,旨在深入了解台湾半导体产业的发展态势。一同随行的还有州商务管理局的Sandra Watson及一级主管。
The widespread sell-off was "mostly driven by anxiety about the impact" of the US government's tariff policy. US president ...
全球AI军备竞赛持续升温,美国总统川普(Donald Trump)宣布至2029年止将投入5,000亿美元,展开星际之门计画(Stargate Project),欧盟也豪砸2,000亿美元打造AI超级工厂,亚洲国家包括中国大陆、南韩等也不缺席,前 ...
Le Borse europee iniziano la settimana con lo sguardo alle politiche commerciali di Trump e ai dati macroeconomici ...
In recent years, he has focused on global economic restructuring, the impact of AI on growth, and the evolution of a ...
Quando Donald Trump ha prestato 誓言 il 20 gennaio, era affiancato da alcune delle persone più ricche del mondo. I miliardari presenti quel giorno, tra cui Elon Musk , Jeff Bezos e Mark Zuckerberg, non ...
AsianFin -- Biren Technology, with valuation at 15.5 billion yuan (a bout US$2.2 billion), has initiated the process of going public through an IPO and is currently in the tutoring stage, according to ...
Erik Solheim: China is now the most modern place in the world. I mean, if you go to the major cities in the South, like ...
《中时新闻网》前身为《中时电子报》,于1995年创立,是全台第一家且歷史最悠久的网路媒体,开启新闻数位时代。近来以最具影响力的政治新闻引领先驱外,首创娱乐、生活、社会专题式新闻报导,带起同业间仿效风潮;精辟的言论、财经、国际、两岸、军事、体育、网推频道,网罗忠实读者群;新型态的汽车、房屋、玩食、科技频道,成为阅听眾休閒必看选择。视觉影音上,结合中天新闻直播、FB直播、中时新闻网APP等平台的精彩内 ...
傅莹资料图。2月12日,《南华早报》整理并发表了中国外交部前副部长傅莹在巴黎人工智能行动峰会边会上的演讲英文稿《人工智能安全合作应超越地缘政治干扰》(Cooperation for AI safety must transcend geopolitical ...
点击蓝字关注我们摘要2025年1月15日,拜登在其告别演讲中表达了自己对于即将到来的下一届政府“权力危险集中(Dangerous concentration of ...
英伟达官方近日通过其微博平台揭晓了一项备受瞩目的活动计划:GTC 2025大会将特别增设China AI Day——云与互联网线上中文专场,直播活动定于3月18日北京时间上午9时30分准时开启。 此次专场活动亮点纷呈,汇聚了中国云计算与互联网领域的众多佼佼者 ...