Early Learning Victoria Early childhood education – information for professionals Education – information for parents Schools.Vic - information for schools Education grants, programs, awards and ...
Mobile phone and seatbelt detection cameras are now enforcing Victorian road rules. These cameras detect and take photos of drivers who use portable devices, like mobile phones. The cameras can also ...
Victoria's Container Deposit Scheme (CDS Vic) is an important part of the work that is transforming Victoria’s waste and recycling system. Victoria’s first-ever Regional circular economy plans have ...
Summary statistics on Victorian schools are updated twice per calendar year. The 'Summary Statistics Snapshot' provides a quick overview of key statistics such as numbers of students, teachers and ...
ensure Victorians can celebrate and preserve cultures, and share traditions encourage the broader Victorian community to take part in events that further learning, understanding and respect for ...
Important administrative dates and assessment schedules for schools with students enrolled in the VCE including the VCE Vocational Major and Victorian Pathways Certificate.
Victoria’s Waste to Energy Scheme licenses and regulates operators to ensure only specific amounts and types of waste are used in thermal waste to energy processing. A plan that provides Victorian ...