The year 2005 marked a century since the discovery of the largest gem diamond ever found: the 3,106 ct Cullinan. Eight decades after it was mined, a team of gemologists conducted the first modern ...
Those born in January are lucky to have the beautiful and diverse garnet as their birthstone. Garnets are commonly red but also come in an extraordinary range of beautiful colors, including orange, ...
12月の誕生石からどれか一つを選ぶとしたら、タンザナイト、トルコ石、ジルコンのどれをお選びになりますか?青から青みがかった紫色のタンザナイト、濃い青から緑色のトルコ石、様々な色のジルコンなど、あなたにぴったりの色を見つけることが ...
这一组原石和成品蓝宝石显示了蓝色至紫罗兰色或紫色色彩的广泛范围,以及可以在约戈蓝宝石中发现的由淡到深的色度组合。最大的刻面宝石是一颗 1.44 克拉的垫型切工宝石。由 Bill Vance(比尔·万斯)友情提供。摄影:Kevin Schumacher(凯文·舒马赫) 尽管美国 ...