Four undergraduate computer science researchers were recognized by the Computer Research Association in the 2025 CRA ...
This project is funded by NSF DEB 0733029 (ATOL), and is a collaboration between the University of Texas, the University of Georgia, The University of Nebraska, and the University of Kansas. SATé, ...
Stein's method, due to Charles M. Stein, is a set of remarkably powerful theoretical techniques for proving approximation and limit theorems in probability theory. It has been mostly known to ...
MJRTY - A Fast Majority Vote Algorithm, with R.S. Boyer. In R.S. Boyer (ed.), Automated Reasoning: Essays in Honor of Woody Bledsoe, Automated Reasoning Series ...
I am currently conducting fundamental research in the area of distributed real-time systems. My primary concerns include specification techniques for real-time systems, algorithms for guaranteeing ...
Overview Probabilistic Graphical Models provide compact and analytically useful representations of joint distributions over a large number of variables, using graphs. Each graph represents a family of ...
Most of our cognitive functions and perceptual processes are carried out by the neocortex, which is the largest part of the human brain. The primary visual cortex is the part of the neocortex that ...
See defun for relevant background. You may find it helpful to use a lexicographic order, the idea being to have a measure that returns a list of two arguments, where the first takes priority over the ...
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Man need to keep track of things - whether it was the number of things, the measure of distance, or weight, or time. He used the digits of his hands as the first counting device. From this was born ...
ADRF Network Research Conference – Nov 2018 Washington, D.C.
It is a misnomer. As Edsger Dijkstra used to say "Computer Science is no more about computers than astronomy is about telescopes". Computer Science is closely related to mathematics. It is the study ...