April 2017: TED Radio Hour: What Makes A Scientist Take A Stand?. February 2012: Why I Must Speak Out About Climate Change: Presentation given at TED 2012 on Feb. 29 at Long Beach.
Contact this office for all general inquiries.
This is the Fall’20 course homepage for EEOR E4650: Convex Optimization for Electrical Engineering. Note: The official name for the course is “Convex optimization for electrical engineering”. However, ...
Isla R. Simpson and 16 co-authors (including L.M. Polvani): The path toward vertical grid options for the Community Atmosphere Model version 7: The impact of vertical resolution on the QBO and ...
What role does Artificial Intelligence play in higher education? AI is reshaping higher education by making learning more efficient, personalized, and inclusive, but it also raises challenges related ...
Rafael Repullo, Professor of Economics at Center for Monetary and Financial Studies (CEMFI), will be visiting Columbia to host a two-part mini course series on the topic of "The Transmission of ...
Featuring: Richard Katz, Editor, Japan Economy Watch; Special Correspondent, Toyo Keizai Inc. Moderator: Takatoshi Ito, Professor, School of International and Public Affairs, Columbia University; ...
Please join the Center for Constitutional Governance for a lunchtime talk with Oscar Vilhena Vieira, Dean of the School of Law at the Getulio Vargas Foundation (FGV/SP). The discussion will examine ...
Schermerhorn Extension, 1200 Amsterdam Ave., New York, NY 10027 754 ...
One ticket per person. Ticket grants entry and food.
These hands-on, online sessions are brief kickstarts to moving you from a security mindset ("EVERYONE IS OUT TO GET ME") to a privacy mindset ("I have a right to privacy for myself and my personal ...
In-person attendance is available to CU-ID holders. Use the "Reserve Your Seat" button to register. Virtual attendance, please register via Zoom. The theme for the 2024-2025 Grand Rounds on the Future ...