This past summer: GNU/Linux and ChromeOS in Japan: Nearly Trebling in the Past Half a Decade (COVID-19 Breakout) ...
THE North American data is dominated by the US data, so big gains for GNU/Linux are seen, but what about South America? Well, ...
In the UK, Windows is down to an all-time low on laptops/desktops (60%). Add Android to the mix and Microsoft is down to ...
So things have "begun rather well for GNU/Linux", but what about Android? Well, so far the data from statCounter shows that ...
Related: R.T.O. is Another Name (or Acronym) for Voluntary Layoffs | Microsoft: Layoffs, Outsourcing, and R.T.O. as Cover for ...
So just like in Europe, American GNU/Linux aficionados have something to be happy about this year. This is what this year's ...
Software Freedom Conservancy Inc (SFC) Lost Revenue and Also Got Rid of "Senior Director of Diversity and Inclusion" (Sage A Sharp, Formerly Known as Sarah Sharp, Who Ran an Ill-Spirited Campaign ...
Software Freedom Conservancy Inc (SFC) Lost Revenue and Also Got Rid of "Senior Director of Diversity and Inclusion" (Sage A Sharp, Formerly Known as Sarah Sharp, Who Ran an Ill-Spirited Campaign ...
THIS morning we mentioned Dr. Andy Farnell's latest article, which had been published hours earlier at the CyberShow Blog.
That's from 2023. It might be at $8 million by now. So a pair of people drown in money (in the bank) and still call for donations as if they're on shoestring budget. Incredible!!
2024 is officially over everywhere around the globe (every country in the world is now in 2025), so let's quickly take a look ...
It's not "FSF Europe", it's Embrace, Extend, Extinguish (EEE): Also see: FSF-EEE (FSFE) and Microsoft, or How Microsoft Keeps ...