Thousands of Americans cohabitate but don't marry because doing so would result in the loss of Medicaid eligibility. Marriage ...
Gennady Badmaev is an independent researcher of the far right, a Russian social activist, and founder of the Nazi Video ...
Nazis, as official media echo their xenophobic claims. No longer afraid of repression, such groups circulate videos of ...
Former Indian prime minister Manmohan Singh, who died last week, embodied public decency but also the contradictions of India ...
In Italy, blue-collar industrial workers are abandoning the Left. As in other countries, they don’t represent the entire ...
The presidency of Jimmy Carter was deeply constrained by economic and political crises. His unwillingness to take a radical ...
Democrats have a choice: continue as the loyal opposition in a political order defined primarily by the populist right, or ...
No US president has ever been willing to call the system imposed by Israel on the Palestinians what it is: apartheid. Except ...
Jimmy Carter described a spiritual “crisis of confidence” that could “destroy the social and the political fabric of America.
As a worker in the 1970s, I looked forward to a Jimmy Carter administration. By the end of his term in office, like millions of my union sisters and brothers, I felt betrayed. President Jimmy Carter ...
In the popular imagination, Jimmy Carter is associated with an idealistic “human rights agenda” for US foreign policy. In ...