Outdoor dust storms can be very unhealthy. Ecology and farmers have been working to reduce dust from fields. During a dust storm, massive amounts of soil and dust are suspended in air that can harm ...
We have transitioned to a modern work environment. To expedite application processing, please scan or take a photo of all permit forms and email them to our resource mailbox at: ...
When food goes in the trash, so do resources, time, and money. Save on all three with small changes to your cooking and shopping habits. Get started today. Your food saving journey starts here. We’ve ...
Computer models are used extensively for water quality management and Total Maximum Daily Load studies. Models are tools used to predict how a water body will respond to changes in the amount of ...
We're working to reduce polluted runoff from streets, forests, and farms. When it rains, water flows across the land, streets, and sidewalks. Pollutants are carried by this water into local streams, ...
Submit an observation form to report any violation of the state plastic bag ban you have observed. Plastic bags are a major contaminant in Washington’s recycling facilities, waterways, roadways, and ...
This information was modified from Chapter 2 of At Home with Wetlands: A Landowner's Guide. Wetlands perform many ecological functions. Knowledge and understanding about the complexities wetland ...
The Climate Commitment Act (CCA) caps and reduces greenhouse gas emissions from Washington’s largest emitting sources and industries, allowing businesses to find the most efficient path to lower ...
The Expedited VCP (Voluntary Cleanup Program) process is designed to encourage cleanup and redevelopment. This process has higher expectations, fees, and cost recovery rates than the Standard VCP ...
The rumble of diesel engines idling outside Washington’s schools is being replaced with the sound of silence. That’s because more and more Washington schools are making the switch to zero-emission ...
Las rápidas medidas que se tomaron para controlar la contaminación como consecuencia de las recientes actividades de limpieza en la propiedad del vertedero de Pasco han impedido de manera eficaz que ...