Vin: I created a circuit that boots from 5V to 6.3V and converts it to 5V with a regulator, but when I connect a 100mA load, Vout drops to 5.3V. Can you catch a waveform of the unexpected Vout drop.
one of my top optical module customer is evaluating AMC60704 and met issue The SPI value written by AMC60704 DAC/ADC GUI software after the voltage is given according to the specification is ...
I need help about data rate time for Turbo Mode, Data Rate (011: 350 SPS), Continuous Mode. I will share the code below. (ADS1220_default_regs:0x01, 0x74, 0xC0, 0x00) I connected potentiometer to the ...
HI! I am Alex work in Delta Electronics, Inc. in Taiwan. We would like to purchase an EVM board that can be used to generate arbtrary waveform. Is there any EVM board that can be programmed to ...
Test with oscilloscope, I find that CLKout0 and CLKout1 couldn't be aligned, and also don' t have fixed phase relation over power cycle. I think this clock plan or setup conform to two rule of ...
Hi, I created a circuit with the help of Some TI assistance and the resulting setup of the circuit bellow. The problem im noticing with the circuit is once the Device receives 5v it gets very hot and ...
We have a circuit using CAN Bus transceiver, between Master and slaves. Thank you for reaching out. It would be fairly simple to switch from a CAN transceiver to a RS485 transceiver. RS485 supports ...