China on Saturday launched a Long March-2D carrier rocket, placing a remote sensing satellite into space. The rocket blasted ...
El máximo legislador chino, Zhao Leji, subrayó el viernes la necesidad de combatir resueltamente las actividades separatistas de la "independencia de Taiwan" y frenar la interferencia de fuerzas ...
BEIJING, March 14 (Xinhua) -- China's top legislator Zhao Leji on Friday emphasized resolutely combating "Taiwan independence" separatist activities and curbing interference from external forces.
O mais alto legislador da China, Zhao Leji, destacou nesta sexta-feira combater resolutamente as atividades separatistas de ...
BEIJING, March 13 (Xinhua) -- A Chinese mainland spokesperson on Thursday said that no individual or force will be allowed to split Taiwan from China, and that there is no room for "Taiwan ...
A brief and solemn ceremony was held in Beijing Wednesday to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the death of Sun Yat-sen, a ...
Se as forças separatistas da "independência de Taiwan" provocarem, exercerem pressão ou ousarem cruzar a linha vermelha, ações resolutas serão tomadas em resposta, disse um porta-voz da parte continen ...
随着中国旅游签证限制的放宽,越来越多的国际游客来到中国,形成独特的“China Travel”热潮。本期节目特邀全国政协委员、民建北京市委副主委、希肯国际文化集团董事长安庭,及全国政协委员、春秋航空董事长王煜,来回答中国人民大学荷兰籍留学生史凯恩的问题。
As of February 28, 2025, the Company had 500 retail stores in 150 cities, 488 servicing centers and Li Auto-authorized body and paint shops operating in 224 cities. The Company also had 1,874 super ...
BEIJING, Feb. 27 (Xinhua) — A press center for China's annual sessions of its top legislature and political advisory body, known as the "two sessions," opened Thursday at the Media Center Hotel in Bei ...
台湾国防部表示严厉谴责,称“中共在国际航道, 无预警以临时无线电广播方式 ,宣布将于特定区域内进行‘射击训练’,此举不但对国际飞航、海上船只的航行安全造成高度危险,更是对区域安全稳定的公然挑衅”。