In years past, the Christmas Day games were accompanied by some unique holiday-themed jerseys that added to the game's ...
Kobe Bryant's Adidas Crazy 2 is finally returning! Check our Sneakers news for more upcoming releases and breaking content!
Mr. Bailey 于 Instagram 上传多张于个人设计工作的照片,率先曝光 adidas 最新联名鞋款,旨在对知名鞋款 Adizero ...
A minty color palette always makes a comeback every winter. In preparation to kick off 2025 with a refreshing touch, adidas ...
adidas Sportswear阿迪达斯轻运动携手演员陈晓、马思纯、那尔那茜推出2025蛇年系列:“蜕变”新生,为新年注入轻运动能量,以新装焕新型格,蛇年新我就此开启。adidas ...
Although adidas is known for providing us with some of the most iconic sneakers in the last couple of years, their latest ...
北京冬奥会后,国内的滑雪行业得到大力发展,时至今日,热度还未褪去。正因这股流量,最近两年的雪季倒是十分热闹。据悉今年双十一,各种御寒冬装(羽绒服、冲锋衣等)卖得特别好。一句话,搞滑雪和不搞滑雪的都来了!今天来盘点一下,今年那些活跃于雪圈的非专业滑雪品 ...
The most striking transformation of the CLOT x adidas Dress Superstar lies in its sole. CLOT has replaced the familiar ...
最近,adidas正式推出了期待已久的Predator足球鞋纪录片《鞋舌之下》(Under the Tongue),并在伦敦盛大召开了首映礼。这部纪录片为我们揭开了Predator足球鞋的传奇历史,让人们更加深入地了解到这款足球鞋背后的故事。
在时尚与运动的交汇点,2F 睿锦尚品引领了一场引人瞩目的潮流盛宴。这次与adidas Originals合作的“续写现代怀旧灵感”系列,成功将怀旧元素与现代设计完美结合,成为消费者热议的话题。现场气氛热烈,来自各个领域的时尚爱好者和潮流博主共同见证了这一时刻。