U.S. stock indexes slipped on Thursday as Wall Street’s weak end to last year carried into 2025. The S&P 500 fell 0.2% to extend the four-day losing streak that dimmed the close of its stellar 2024.
The latest victim is the US Treasury Department, which disclosed on Monday that Chinese state-sponsored hackers had breached its network via a third-party provider, accessing some unclassified ...
Investors can expect more gains for the U.S. stock market in 2025, but should brace for more volatility given already lofty valuations for Wall Street. That’s according to a team of strategists ...
In a scathing op-ed the Journal, whose parent company Dow Jones is owned by Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp, said that Trump “on the advice of Elon Musk blew up the end-of-session budget bill ...