If you buy something through my links, I may earn a commission. School is in session! Teachers, let’s add some fun new ...
U.S. Customs and Border Protection agents assigned to a region near the Canadian border in Washington found two backpacks left out in the woods containing an estimated $1.1 million of cocaine, ...
Stuffed backpacks, organized by a WHS freshmen, were given out with Christmas dinners at the Westfield Soup Kitchen over the ...
Whether it's for grade school or grad school, you'll want to protect that iPad while it's backpacking around class.
Lincoln Elementary School secretary Michaela Murphy has been helping to make sure hungry kids are fed for almost 15 years.
Pittsburgh-area school districts raised more than $200,000 for charities this Christmas season. Make-A-Wish was the ...
IRON MOUNTAIN, Mich. (WLUC) - The Dickinson County Library is collecting supplies for students in need. Each branch opened ...
The program has been a massive success, reducing families’ food insecurity and improving academic performance.
From torn up wrapping paper to cheers of joy, the holiday season got a head start at the Boys and Girls Club of Northern ...
From torn up wrapping paper to cheers of joy, the holiday season got a head start at the Boys and Girls Club of Northern ...
Arrest reports obtained by 8 News Now reveal the efforts Clark County school police are taking to crack down on guns and ...