Powered by the Snapdragon 8 Elite chipset, the smartphone has a 50MP triple rear camera system and a 32MP selfie camera. It also packs a massive 6000mAh battery with 120W fast charging.
In contrast, the iPhone 16 Pro Max has Apple’s signature flat-edged design with a more pronounced squared-off camera bump. Although its 6.9-inch OLED display is slightly larger, it has a lower ...
Verdict: OPPO Find X8 is a well-rounded handset that comes with a compact design and impressive build quality. With a capable Hasselblad Master Camera System, the phone can click stunning zoom shots ...
HP Inc launched new AI PCs and solutions. With HP’s newest EliteBooks, fast presentation creation, personalised emails, and a built-in recording studio are possible with a click of a button, alongside ...