Viltrox has announced a new APS-C lens, the 35mm (53mm equiv.) F1.7 'Air' lens, which is available for Sony E-mount, Fujifilm X-mount and Nikon Z-mount. The company says it aimed to make the lens ...
New rumors predict that a Fujifilm X-E5 camera will launch in mid-2025 The X-E series are compact rangefinders with large APS-C sensors Separate rumors predict that a new X-Pro model won't land in ...
Mount Fuji’s last eruption, which happened on this day in 1707, was also its largest, spewing ash and debris over cities and farms, causing famines, respiratory problems and untold death Eli ...
既然如此,英特尔酷睿Ultra 200V系列处理器中率先应用Xe2架构核显,也就是情理之中了。在通过核显大量渗透市场,验证可行性之余小小给到大家惊艳 ...
不久前,英特尔方面正式公布了基于全新一代Xe2架构,代号“战斗法师(Battlemage)”的ARC B系列桌面级独显。并揭晓了其中首批上市的两款型号 ...
It's time to review test and analyze the new Battlemage series GPU from Intel, yes the Intel ARC B580 Limited Edition (reference card) with 12GB graphics memory. The card series is aimed at a ...