Fujifilm X T2 24.3MP Digital Camera price in India starts from ₹ 94,990. The lowest price of Fujifilm X T2 24.3MP Digital Camera is ₹ 94,990 at Flipkart on 7th January 2025.
When it comes to instant film photography, Polaroid is one of the first names that comes to mind. However, here are six great alternatives to consider in 2025.
Fujifilm FinePix AX655 16.3MP Digital Camera price in India starts from ₹ 273,616. The lowest price of Fujifilm FinePix AX655 16.3MP Digital Camera is ₹ 273,616 at Amazon on 5th January 2025.
The Fujifilm X-M5 is the company's latest APS-C mirrorless camera and comes in as the lowest-end entry in its current lineup. It uses the company's last-generation 26MP X-Trans sensor, the same one ...