Join our community of future-focused leaders that are on a mission to Improve Life across the world. You have plenty of programs and themes to choose from at OAC. From plant biology to marketing and ...
This course is an introduction to human nutrition, with major emphasis on nutrients and their dietary sources, functions, and relationships to health. Topics will include the energy-containing ...
The goal of our laboratory is to improve the quality and functionality of food, with a special focus on dairy products such as yogurt, milk powders and cheese. We investigate the microbial communities ...
Admission to the University of Guelph is primarily based on academic performance. However, we recognize there may be other factors you would like to bring to our attention during the admission process ...
We believe that attending university should be accessible to all qualified individuals, regardless of their financial status. We make it easier for you by working in partnership with the government ...
The Gordon S. Lang School of Business and Economics at the University of Guelph is committed to developing leaders with a social conscience, an environmental sensibility and a commitment to their ...
World-leading research and education in chemistry, computer science, engineering, mathematics and statistics, and physics. Our undergraduate and graduate programs prepare students for dynamic careers ...
The Department of Integrative Biology is dedicated to excellence in research and scholarship. Our department consists of full-time faculty who lead research in three overlapping themes, including ...
At the University of Guelph, we have 16 residence communities that accommodate approximately 5,000 students. Our mix of traditional, suite, apartment, and townhouse style residences means that we have ...
Major, Co-op, Minor, Area of Concentration, Bachelor, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine Degree ...
Established by Dr. Kevin James in honour of Alastair J. Durie, pre-eminent scholar of Scottish tourism history and valued advisor to Guelph MA students. Selection will be based on academic standing, a ...