The marks collected by M. Didron divide themselves, according to his opinion, into two classes—those of the overseers and those of the men who worked the stones. The marks of the first class consist ...
George Washington was Commanding General of the American Continental Army during their War of Independence (1776-1781). He was President of the Constitutional Convention in 1787 and from 1789 to 1796 ...
The first of B.C.’s Premiers to be born in the province, "the people’s Dick" took his law degree at Dalhousie in 1890, then moved to Atlin. First elected to the Legislature in 1898, he became the ...
W. & D. Downey Duke of Connaught Lodge No. 64 works under a Warrant issued by the Grand Lodge of British Columbia issued in 1912. Meeting on the first Tuesday of the month, with the exception of July ...
Born in Harvey, New Brunswick, Harlan Brewster became a sailer and later a printer before moving to British Columbia. First elected to the Legislature in February 1907, he served as leader of the ...