Access full-text versions of our Services of Daily Prayer, which are available in both Contemporary (Common Worship) and Traditional (Book of Common Prayer) forms and for all times of the day. You can ...
This page contains guidance on ministry in retirement. The first two guidance notes are for bishops and archdeacons. The first covers supporting clergy to prepare for retirement and the second ...
The Church of England is committed to removing the barriers that Deaf, disabled and neurodivergent people face within the church. We want all people to be able to fully belong and participate in the ...
My name is Robert Otule. I am vicar of All Saints Church, Newmarket, having previously being an assistant curate at St. John's Church in Stratford in the Diocese of Chelmsford. I am originally from ...
There was never any thing by the wit of man so well devised, or so sure established, which in continuance of time hath not been corrupted: As, among other things, it may plainly appear by the Common ...
The Prime Minister has appointed The Lord Evans of Weardale KCB DL to be the Chairman of the Crown Nominations Commission for Canterbury. Church of England response to BBC File on Four Programme ...
Estate Management Schemes (EMS) was set up under the approval of the Leasehold Reform Housing and Urban Development Act 1993, in order to allow the Church Commissioners to regulate the redevelopment, ...
We pray for N and N, that they may continue to grow in the grace of Christ, take their place among the company of your people, and reflect your glory in the world. 2 It may be appropriate to present ...
We give grants of up to £10,000 for the conservation of bells and bell frames in Anglican parish churches in England. These grants are offered in partnership with the the National Lottery Heritage ...