Under the Income Tax Law of 2002, the “183-day rule” states that an individual who spends at least 183 days in Cyprus within a tax year is considered a tax resident. On 14 July 2017, the Cypriot ...
Everything you need to know if you are moving to, living in or visiting Brussels Got a question? Get advice from other locals that speak your language, or help other members. Events, festivals, live ...
Cyprus information that you will need if you are planning a move or are already here. How to obtain residency for both EU and non-EU citizens Got a question? Need some advice? Have advice to offer?
Below you will find information on the basic Rules and Regulations , Swiss Motorway Tax, Road Signs, Breakdown Assistance, Parking, Drink Driving and Useful Information about driving in Switzerland.
In a medical emergency, Tel: 119. The caller's location is automatically detected. Emergency responses are rapid; ambulances are quickly dispatched to take people to a hospital. When a foreigner makes ...
Household bills (gas, telephone, electricity) can be paid for through the Multibanco ATMs. Each bill has a box with the payment details and references which need to be keyed into specific fields ...