The German and European food systems are neither healthy nor sustainable. Too many animal-based and too few plant-based products are consumed. A corresponding adjustment of value-added taxes would ...
Whether on your bank’s website or your telephone provider’s help line, interactions between humans and chatbots have become part of our daily lives. But do we trust them? And what factors influence ...
These discoveries shed light on how this gut microbe adapts to varying nutritional conditions. The findings deepen our understanding of this bacterium's role in the human gut and may pave the way for ...
To what extent has social media advanced freedom worldwide in the last twenty years but also fostered new forms of un-freedom? That is the topic of a lecture by media anthropologist Prof. Dr Sahana ...
Das Zentrum für Osteuropa- und internationale Studien (ZOiS), das European Centre for Minority Issues (ECMI) und das Centre Marc Bloch (CMB) bauen gemeinsam das neue Datennetzwerk KoDaNetOst auf. Ziel ...
The EQUSPACE consortium (Enabling New Quantum Frontiers with Spin Acoustics in Silicon) has received 3.2 million euros from the European Innovation Council's (EIC) Pathfinder Open funding program to ...
Es ist ein historischer Meilenstein für die Klimaforschung: Ein internationales Forschungsteam unter Beteiligung des Alfred-Wegener-Instituts hat erfolgreich einen 2.800 Meter langen Eiskern in der An ...