Under the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA), project proposals are reviewed by a designated “lead agency.” While this is typically a city or county government, other entities such as ports, ...
When food goes in the trash, so do resources, time, and money. Save on all three with small changes to your cooking and shopping habits. Get started today. Your food saving journey starts here. We’ve ...
Increasing the number of zero emission vehicles on Washington's roads will reduce total greenhouse gas emissions by the equivalent of 1 million metric tons of carbon dioxide a year by 2030. In 2020, ...
Have a wetland-related question? Find our regional wetland and subject-specific wetland contacts.
Accreditation is the best indicator that a lab has the capability to do a good job. While it is not proof of the quality of all of their data, it means that the lab is capable of providing accurate, ...
The Municipal Water Law (MWL) was passed in 2003. Ecology and the Department of Health (DOH) have different roles and responsibilities when it comes to implementing the MWL. Department of Health ...
We work to safely manage solid, hazardous, and nuclear waste and reduce toxic chemicals in the products you use. We regulate the threats found in everyday household products and help businesses ...
We improve and protect water quality, manage and conserve water resources, and effectively manage coastal and inland shorelines to assure our state has sufficient supplies of clean water for ...
Ecology forecasts the amount of revenue we expect auctions to generate. The Legislature uses those forecasts to designate specific amounts of money for specific purposes through the appropriations ...
Dangerous substances can spill to land, water, or air. The sooner a spill is reported, the sooner we can respond. Failure to report a spill you're responsible for could result in penalties.
The Hazardous Waste and Toxics Reduction program enforces Washington's toxics laws, including the Dangerous Waste regulations that many businesses need to comply with. We also offer technical ...
Universal waste is a category of dangerous waste that allows businesses to handle several common types of dangerous waste under the Universal Waste Rule (WAC 173-303-573), a more simplified set of ...