Vin: I created a circuit that boots from 5V to 6.3V and converts it to 5V with a regulator, but when I connect a 100mA load, Vout drops to 5.3V. Can you catch a waveform of the unexpected Vout drop.
I am using the following configuration and setup. All readings start to drift significantly around 80 C to 125 C. Any idea why is that?
one of my top optical module customer is evaluating AMC60704 and met issue The SPI value written by AMC60704 DAC/ADC GUI software after the voltage is given according to the specification is ...
I will contact you offline to assist.
We are using ADS124S108 for measurement of PTC1000 based temperature sensor in 3 wire configuration. Attached schematic for your reference. For board bring up i did following tests : 1. First testing ...
i am inquiring on the long term stability data (ppm/√kh) for this DAC, for 1000 and 2000 hours, i did not find ant reference to stability on the website. We did not characterize this spec for this ...
If we are using the part as a 1:4 buffer and not using the muxing capability should I ground both sides of RX1 plus OSCin? Also the part datasheet does not mention operation with spread spectrum. My ...
I am looking for the silent installation parameters for the setup ADS8681_EVM.exe. It should install ADS8681, National Instruments software and the Windows driver package - Tesys Instruments silent. I ...
When the input voltage is over than 2.5V, the output code is overflow. You can see the code of 2.51V is start with "8".
Q: Could you explain the reason why cot does not need external compensation circuit like PWM? I am HW engineer verifying our DCDC(DCAP2 and DCAP3) power board with bode test. In last week, we ask ...
our IT dept. installed the GUI on my computer. After starting it admin rights are needed to proceed. Of course our IT does not like that at all. They might let me use your GUI, if they knew what files ...