Li Cuili was regarded as kind of a "weirdo" when she decided to open a library at her convenience store providing books for ...
She has won an international award! Chinese female architect Xu Tiantian transformed a 1,500-year-old abandoned quarry in Zhejiang into a viral attraction! 👍👍 ...
A 4-year-old child transforms into a “little Terracotta Warrior,” looking as adorable as if she had stepped out of a traditional Chinese painting.#TerracottaWarrior #ChinesePainting #CuteBaby ...
在数字化浪潮席卷全球的今天,很荣幸能够作为志愿者在联合国大学驻澳门研究所(UNU Macau)工作。这段时间的经历,不仅拓宽了我的国际视野,更让我在实践中深刻理解了数字技术对可持续发展的重要意义,也让我深刻感受到青年力量在推动社会进步中的关键作用。
Across the city of Shanghai, women are kicking ass in every industry, and fitness is no exception. As part of our Women's Day ...
"Guess what?" Tom said. "Maybe it's in your pencil case again. Look again!" Lucy opened her pencil case once more. This time, ...
2月24日,中广核广东陆丰核电项目1号机组完成核岛第一罐混凝土浇筑,标志着该机组主体工程正式开工,广东陆丰核电项目双三代核电机组建设序幕全面拉开。 中广核广东陆丰核电项目1号机组完成核岛第一罐混凝土浇筑 广东陆丰核电项目规划建设6台百万千瓦 ...