The Moto G85 5G is available for under Rs 15,500 on Flipkart with bank discounts and exchange offers. The smartphone comes with Snapdragon 6s Gen 3 chipset.
You can get the Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 6 for as low as Rs 79,399 from Flipkart. Know how you can take advantage of this deal.
The Motorola Razr 50 Ultra is available on Amazon at ₹79,999, down from ₹1,19,000. Features include dual AMOLED displays, Snapdragon 8s Gen 3, and 12GB RAM. Offer includes free Moto Buds+ and ...
As promised, Xiaomis sub-brand, Redmi has launched the Redmi 14C 5G in India, which comes as a successor to the Redmi 13C 5G.
The Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra, one of the most premium smartphones, has received a massive price cut on Amazon. All you need ...