Phone users have noticed a bug that has prevented the camera from working since they updated to iOS 18.2. Here's what we know ...
Apple is preparing to release iOS 18.3, the latest version of its mobile operating system, which is expected to arrive in ...
If your battery life has worsened since you upgraded to iOS 18, here's how I fixed the problem after weeks of tweaking my ...
好消息是,iPhoneSoft报道称,苹果下一代操作系统更新的设备兼容性信息已经提前泄露,所有目前支持iOS 18的iPhone都可以升级iOS 19,包括iPhone XS和iPhone XR。如果爆料信息准确,老iPhone用户又能“再战一年”。
A new feature in iOS 18 can share your photos with Apple. Here's how it works, whether you should be concerned, and how to ...
彭博社知名科技记者马克·古尔曼近期称,苹果将在明年6月WWDC25上公布Siri的重大升级,能够像ChatGPT一样处理复杂的问题和需求。 苹果可能要在Siri身上采用自研AI大模型技术。
Beyond the Apple Intelligence hype, these features in iOS 18.2 I'm finding that improve my day-to-day iPhone use.
"It ought to be up to the individual user to decide their own tolerance for the risk of privacy violations," developer Jeff ...
Apple's latest iOS 18 update automatically shares photo data with their servers for enhanced visual search, prompting ...
明年苹果将要推出 iOS 19 系统,对于手持旧款 iPhone 的用户来说,关心的问题无疑是手上的设备还能升级吗?近日,法国科技网站 iPhoneSoft 就爆料了 iOS 19 ...
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