An official new sequel to Tim Burton’s iconic superhero film, Batman (1989), has finally introduced a fan-favorite Rogues Gallery villain to the Burtonverse. Despite Batman’s pre-existing ...
It's also a cover packed full of small details and shows Batman truly drowning in the overwhelming battle of his expanding Rogues Gallery. It's not every day that fans get to see Batman being ...
Reflecting on joining the DC Universe, Milioti said, "It was thrilling. I’m such a huge Batman fan, it’s lifelong dream of mine to be a Batman villain and to get to really show her entire story.
But given that this is the first appearance of “DCU Batman,” fans are flipping out and trying to extract what he can from the limited appearance. So far we have: DCU Batman is stocky and ...
Fans have been left scratching their heads after seeing another new batman is James Gunn’s latest DC project. Keeping up with DC’s latest superhero outings can be...a whole lot of things, since they ...