Alexis Coe is the New York Times bestselling author of You Never Forget Your First: A Biography of George Washington. While far less famous than the coalition that met in 1775, this group of ...
Mason Locke Weems’s biography of George Washington became the most widely read 19th century book about the Revolutionary War and its celebrated hero. Weems recounted many familiar anecdotes about ...
George Washington was Commanding General of the American Continental Army during their War of Independence (1776-1781). He was President of the Constitutional Convention in 1787 and from 1789 to 1796 ...
Prominent media figures leaped to praise President Biden for withdrawing from his re-election campaign during the summer. However, after Vice President Kamala Harris’ defeat by President-elect ...
George Washington University, a private institution, has been offering online bachelor's degree programs since before 2000-2001. All of the online classes are recorded and archived so students can ...
What a difference a decade makes. In 1940 George Orwell published his eighth book, the essay collection Inside the Whale, but when the Nazis in the same year drew up a list of Britons to be arrested ...
George has helped raise tens of millions of dollars to support public broadcasting on KCTS 9, including funds that moved the station from the University of Washington campus to its current ...
On the morning of December 12th, 1799, Washington set off to ride over his plantation and inspect his farms. The weather was treacherous and a cold north-easter brought snow, sleet, and rain. The ...