The oft described (especially among women's magazines) male mid-life crisis is supposed to be a desperate menopausal attempt to reclaim the joys of lost youth, the sense of wild adolescent playfulness ...
The term "integrated amplifier" always seems to be a source of confusion for some audiophiles. Just what is an integrated amplifier? Is it just an amplifier like any other, or is it something more?
What I heard here came as something of a surprise to me. While not wishing to generalise, my previous experiences with French speakers from Triangle which I had the opportunity to listen to, whether ...
It is not often you get to review an audio component that has its very own page on the wikipedia. Or one that has been around for almost 35 years. One that sold over three million units in that time.
The Music Maker is a very unusual cartridge. In a world of high end "arm-jewellery" it's based on a fairly cheap Grado cartridge which is then completely stripped and rebuilt with new tip, cantilever ...
A while ago a friend pointed my interest to a tuning article for old style SME tonearms, a bronze knife edge bearing. As I have always been an afficionado of old SME tonearms, I wanted to give it a ...
Many of us have over the years come across amplifiers, mostly from reputable sources and at rather steep prices, which have made us want to have them. More often than not, two aspects have drawn our ...
As part of my upcoming speaker comparison articles (about ten pairs), I decided that I needed some decent speaker stands. Two pairs in fact. It just so happens that one of my oldest buds (George) ...
In Spring 2005 I began writing the following piece, "Recently several noise problems have plagued my system. There is endless mutation of the system and its component locations due to the regular ...
Everyone knows how important is the quality of the record in order to get good results from our stereo system. Simply put, our hi-zoot stereo systems can do nothing if the record we're trying to ...
I think, or at least I hope, that we have all by now realised that digital audio is just as subject to the influences of the playback system as analogue audio. In this review I'll step-aside from the ...
CD-Players. They are there. They will remain for a long time to come. Yet from the beginning they where plagued by mediocre sound and generally found to sound unacceptable by many avid music lovers.