Perry, a beloved miniature donkey who has been a fixture of Bol Park for nearly three decades and who famously served as the model for the Donkey character in "Shrek," was euthanized on Thursday after ...
Nuestra Casa’s founding board members partnered with other local organizations and the city to obtain a grant and eventually create the nonprofit to support the emerging Latino community.
In summary California legislators want to limit deportation actions at schools, but they can’t ban immigration officials. California lawmakers are proposing steps to protect K-12 students and families ...
Here comes the hard part. Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass has plenty to be proud of in her first two years as the chief executive of the largest city in the largest state in America. Violent crime is ...
In summary After winning a costly legislative battle last year, California’s casino-owning tribes have sued their rivals in the gambling business. Cities could lose money if the tribes prevail in ...