Disputing Disaster: A Sextet on the Great War by Perry Anderson relitigates the causes of the conflict through some of their ...
Marcus Rediker’s The Slave Ship: A Human History, as it pushed me to study the trans-Atlantic slave trade from the bottom up.
Caught between the antagonistic states of India and Pakistan, Kashmir is stuck in geopolitical limbo. Its location – and its ...
Chevaliere d’Eon or Chevalier d’Eon? An 18th-century legal dispute between two French spies unravelled into a public battle ...
For much of the 20th century, young working-class women in England found out about procreation the ‘hard way’ or the ‘dirty way’.
Prague, under the Holy Roman Emperor Rudolf II, became the centre of the Renaissance world, where cultures mixed and learning ...
The dropping of the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August 1945 forced the Japanese government into unconditional surrender and the country, which was in a state of collapse, was occupied by ...
Paula Bartley takes issue with those historians who depict the suffragettes of the Pankhursts' Women's Social and Political Union as elitists concerned only with upper- and middle-class women.
For the December issue of the magazine we also asked leading contemporary historians the same question. Perhaps inevitably, the poll provoked controversy. We asked people to nominate their favoured ...
Christian thinkers whose lives and thoughts connected in 1943, when it looked like the Allies were on top and minds turned to the future. Alarm about moral degeneracy and ‘family values’ provoked ...
In its first two centuries of existence Christianity witnessed the persecution of many of its members by officials of the Roman Empire; the causes of these persecutions have been and continue to be ...
The facts – or some of them – are plain enough. In the small hours of April 12th, 1861, Confederate guns opened fire on Fort Sumter, at the mouth of Charleston harbour, in South Carolina. The Federal ...