Since 1967, we've found innovative ways to solve the toughest environmental problems. The osprey was nearly wiped out by widespread use of the pesticide DDT. The pesticide DDT was used widely in the ...
Climate change affects wildfires by exacerbating the hot, dry conditions that help these fires catch and spread. As global temperatures rise, we expect the size, frequency and severity of wildfires to ...
For our first air quality mapping project, we wanted to learn just how much air pollution can change within local neighborhoods. EDF convened a diverse group of partners to harness the latest mobile ...
The problem: Global transportation harms our climate, accounting for roughly one-quarter of all greenhouse gas emissions. The pollution from transportation powered by fossil fuels also harms our ...
Using new field data and extensive research studies, scientists at EDF have estimated oil and gas methane emissions across New Mexico to be at least one million metric tons per year, surpassing all ...