Alison Leonard, thank you for your letter in last week’s Echo. Sadly being anti-Israel is often (not always) but mostly a thin guise of expressing antisemitism. If this was not the case, why are ...
What a surprise, not (!), that a new hydrotherapy pool included as part of the proposed expansion of the Cavanbah sports centre has been rejected by Byron Council. How wonderful it would be if such a ...
Have you seen cane toads hopping around your yard? If you have then you might want to get involved in the Byron Shire Cane Toad Bust from 18 January to 21 January.
Information 2024’ so wonderfully, satirically, and artistically presented by the Echo on its holiday edition cover page, it is discouraging to see more of the same in a letter by local correspondent ...
Congratulations Boring Bay, for hosting the lamest NYE event I have ever attended. I should have stayed home and watched paint dry rather than drive over from Lismore to partake of such a non-event.