The first announcement came in May 2024 when Crunchy Data revealed their proprietary bridge for rewiring Postgres to route ...
I'm a professor in the Machine Learning Department at Carnegie Mellon. I am also affiliated with the Robotics Institute. I'm interested in multi-agent planning, reinforcement learning, ...
Thread operations include thread creation, termination, synchronization (joins,blocking), scheduling, data management and process interaction. A thread does not maintain a list of created threads, nor ...
Consider the words "man", "woman", "boy", and "girl". Two of them refer to males, and two to females. Also, two of them refer to adults, and two to children. We can ...
Practical implementations of computational theories of speech and language Making computer speech synthesis as natural, flexible, and efficient as human speech.
We introduce a stochastic graph-based method for computing relative importance of textual units for Natural Language Processing. We test the technique on the problem of Text Summarization (TS).
... (the techniques used in modern brainwashing) are not like the medieval torture of the rack and the thumb-screw. They are subtler, more prolonged, and intended to ...
The CMU Navlab group builds computer-controlled vehicles for automated and assisted driving. Since 1984, we have built a series of robot cars, vans, SUVs, and buses. More recent researches of Navlab ...
In a domain of research defined by many of the greatest challenges facing computer scientists and roboticists today, perhaps none is greater than the creation of algorithms and programming language to ...
To develop a probabilistic, symbolic knowledge base that mirrors the content of the world wide web. If successful, this will make text information on the web available in computer-understandable form, ...
(This article was written by Bradley Orner, an engineer and former Amway distributor of 3.5 years.) In the past there have been many postings here dealing with the statistics of success in Amway. Here ...
Research Goals: All scientific and social disciplines are faced with an ever-increasing demand to analyze data that are unprecedented in scale (amount of data, dimensionality and heterogeneity of ...