Ticks are small, insect-like creatures that live in heavily-wooded or grassy areas. If you walk through these areas, they can attach to your skin and feed on your blood. Although most ticks do not ...
If you have what feels like razor bumps or acne on the back of your neck or scalp, you may have acne keloidalis nuchae. Find out what can help. A dermatologist is a medical doctor who specializes in ...
What are the signs and symptoms of pemphigus? When someone develops pemphigus, it can develop slowly, causing blisters in the same area for years. Signs and symptoms can also show up quickly. Blisters ...
If your child has eczema, you may feel that the flares would stop if only you could find what causes them. Many parents ask about allergy testing. Here’s what dermatologists tell parents about eczema ...
Molluscum contagiosum is generally a harmless skin infection. You’ll often see small, firm bumps on the skin. Mollusca (the bumps) rarely appear on the palms or the soles, but you can get them in the ...
A rash from poison ivy, poison oak or poison sumac is caused by an oil found in these plants called urushiol. When this oil touches your skin, it often causes an itchy, blistering rash. Most people ...
How you style your hair can cause hair to look brittle, frizzy, and lackluster or even fall out. Follow these tips from dermatologists to help style your hair without causing damage. How you style ...
This skin cancer tends to grow slowly, so it often goes unnoticed for months—or even years. When dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans (DFSP) first appears on the skin, a person may notice: A pimple-like ...
For anyone who has eczema, the virus that causes cold sores can lead to a rare infection that can be life threatening. This infection develops when the virus that causes cold sores, the Herpes simplex ...
Kids with eczema have very sensitive skin. Many products that touch their skin can trigger eczema. To complicate matters, it can take time for your child’s skin to react. For example, an ingredient in ...
What is Merkel cell carcinoma? Merkel cell carcinoma (MCC) is a rare skin cancer. Cancer records show that doctors diagnosed about 2,000 MCCs in the United States during 2018. 1 While MCC is rare, the ...