Horse certificate courses are semi self-paced on a specific topic, such as nutrition or manure management. The courses start in January of each year and run for six weeks. Registration opens in the ...
Rained-on hay can be a suitable forage, especially for horses prone to laminitis. Forage quality tends to be retained if: The rain occurs soon after cutting when the forage has had little time to dry ...
Biosecurity is important to prevent or reduce the spread of infectious diseases. Basic biosecurity principles are universal, though practicing biosecurity will look different for each horse caretaker ...
Garlic mustard is a noxious weed that spreads primarily by seed. Garlic mustard grows in mounds and has clusters of small white flowers and scalloped green leaves that smell like garlic when crushed.
"Well, that's just Campbell." A group of local champions in Campbell, Minnesota — a West Central, Minnesota town of 158 people — heard this phrase now and then, but they thought Campbell could do ...
Several fungicides are available for use against anthracnose. They may not provide adequate control if there is not good coverage of fruit and leaves. Commercial growers should refer to the Midwest ...
Healthy garden soil with earthworms and worm burrows. Soil is so much more than dirt. Soil is a living ecosystem—a large community of living organisms linked together through nutrient cycles and ...
All reusable harvest containers, tools and food contact surfaces should be kept as clean as possible and regularly sanitized. Sanitizing can be done with a number of products. Wash harvest totes and ...
Wild parsnip, Patinaca sativa, can grow 2 to 5 feet tall and has yellow umbrella-shaped flowers. It’s found in fields, roadsides and some wet pastures. It causes severe sunburn and blistering of the ...
Home Home and financial management Caring for your home Protecting home from rain and ice Sealing roofs, walls, windows and doors to keep water out While we may complain a little about the comfort and ...
Several different issues are responsible for strawberry fruit being small or deformed. Supporting pollinators, protecting from frost/freeze, managing nutrients, managing diseases and insect pests, ...