Vin: I created a circuit that boots from 5V to 6.3V and converts it to 5V with a regulator, but when I connect a 100mA load, Vout drops to 5.3V. Can you catch a waveform of the unexpected Vout drop.
I'm working on the Yocto Project (Kirkstone) on a custom System on Module (SoM) featuring the AM335x. While executing the bitbake <target> command, it fails to execute the function for deploying the ...
0x60 = 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 ---> Power-down internal reference buffer + 4v vref + Noninverting input connected to the OPAMPP pin + Power-down op amp After the configuration of all configuration registers, ...
In project we have using two LMX2581 in one PCB, both are the the same circut, role, and very similar layout. On the other hand, layout doesn't differ significantly from EVM board. Both have OSCin ...
The problem is, UC3843 how to driver the P-mosfet in this wide input range.. Please help me to develop a proper design using uc3843 for the above spec. There are a few Design examples of buck ...
xil_printf("write reg%d 0x%x\r\n",reg_addr,data); ...
I am working on a project using the Xilinx (AMD) ZCU216 development kit with the CLK104 add-on card. The CLK104 board uses the LMK04828. I am providing a 10MHz reference signal to the LMK chip using ...