Why use a pond filter? Pond filters are useful in ponds that have a large population of fish, because they remove waste products from the fish and any plant debris, helping to keep the water clear.
Evergreen shrubs have a woody structure covered in foliage all year. This ranges from tiny needles to large rounded leaves, and everything in between. The shrubs themselves come in all sizes too, and ...
Infections by Narcissus yellow stripe virus and other viruses usually do not kill plants, but cause a loss of vigour and a wide variety of discolourations and distortions. This is most commonly seen ...
Forming a dramatic fountain of sword-like leaves when young, and growing into a tall exotic-looking palm, this is a versatile and striking plant. Use tender forms as houseplants or focal points in ...
A fast-growing, tropical evergreen climber between 3-6m in height, with heart-shaped, bronze-green leaves to 30cm long, red-tinted beneath, with large, overlapping basal leaf lobes; purple ...
A vigorous, deciduous fern to 80cm or more, forming a clump of fresh-green, lacy, bipinnate, lance-shaped fronds, the segments with toothed margins. In some plants the midrib is red, in others green ...
A bushy upright deciduous small shrub, with dark green leaves, and from summer to autumn double flowers, the tube and sepals scarlet, the sepals spreading to recurved, petals white, veined red at the ...
An evergreen, frost-tender fern reaching a height and spread of 1.5m by 1m. The erect to arching fronds are slightly crinkled; new fronds emerge an intense pinkish-red colour before maturing to a ...