Do you know your Bach from your Stravinsky? It would appear that goldfish do… A new study reveals that goldfish can tell the difference between music composed by Johann Sebastian Bach and Igor ...
Jay Hemdal, of Toledo Zoo Aquarium, USA, explains a new method of determining the swimming space needed by aquarium fish. All aquarists have to consider the size of tank they should have for the type ...
Ever wondered how many catfish there are? Matt Clarke has the answer. There are now over 3,000 species of catfish spanning more than 36 families, plus many more species waiting to be described.
Matt Clarke looks at the Chin tetra, a recent import which appears to be a member of the Piabucus genus. Common name: Chin tetra. Scientific name: Piabucus sp. Origin: Imported from the Rio de la ...
Bob Mehen spreads the word about some equally palatable options to more familiar tetras. A survey reveals that one in ten UK households has pet fish. It’s likely that most tropical tanks involved in ...
Origin: This is a North American species and has been recorded from several states in the south east of the USA, including Alabama, Georgia and Tennessee. The species was originally endemic to the ...
Heiko Bleher takes a look at freshwater Potamotrygon stingrays, including information on buying and keeping them in the aquarium. Confusion often surrounds species names and identification — ...
Ever wondered how you can tell the difference between a Chinese Lionhead and a Japanese Ranchu? Goldfish boffin Paul Green of the Goldfish Society of Great Britain and the Ranchu Brotherhood explains ...
The Clown loach is one of the most popular and endearing tropical aquarium fish, but unfortunately its requirements are seldom met. Nathan Hill offers some advice on keeping these surprisingly ...