This time of year, candy-colored glass ornaments grace Judy Minaudo's 1751 home, while walls and woodwork in splashy colors and patterns dazzle year-round.
As a teenager, Jaymi Poor painted her bedroom walls in eye-popping shades of hot pink, safety orange, highlighter yellow, and electric blue. Paired with a fluorescent-pink shag rug, a patchwork quilt, ...
On a late-January evening at Absolem Cider Company, in Winthrop, wisps of smoke tinged with the sweet-tangy scent of cooking apples rose into the icy blueness. The cidery’s founders, Ryan Travers, ...
Coffin made his first contribution to this magazine in 1955, with an ode to Maine winters that was to be the first in a series. But as the magazine was about to go to press, Coffin, driving to ...