Most drawings focused on warrior deeds and exploits—attacking, killing, or counting coup on enemies—and on warriors’ injuries and death during battle with Indian and non-Indian adversaries. Many ...
Revisit a 20th-century American pastime from the vantage point of the artists and entrepreneurs who created the kits, the critics who reviled them, and the consumers who happily painted away. The ...
This machine has seven columns of ten plastic keys each; the bottom key is red and clears the column. It has a metal case painted speckled black. A repeat/error lever ...
In October 1942, the New York publishing firm Simon & Schuster, the Artists and Writers Guild, and the Western Printing and Lithographing Company of Racine, Wisconsin, joined forces to create a new ...
This ten-inch one-sided bamboo rule is coated with white celluloid only on the front. There is no indicator. The base has A, D, and K scales. The slide has B, CI, and C scales on one side and S, L, ...
This instrument was patented (English Patent #9418) by John M.A. Stroh in London England on May 4, 1899 and manufactured by George Evans & Co. from 1909–1942. John Matthias Augustus Stroh was born in ...