The Apple iPad 10th Generation is $70 off right now. Take advantage of this deal while you can! We don't think these sales ...
As we look to 2025 and likely the arrival of a few new iPads, including a new entry-level tablet and iPadOS 19, let’s look ...
From iPads to laptops, we routinely scour Woot to bring you the best sales on the best products.Woot deals have a very short ...
屏幕方面,搭载的是全层压Liquid视网膜显示屏,采用ips技术,像素密度新款iPad Pro一样都是264 PPI。11英寸SDR亮度是500尼特,13英寸款到600尼特。都是P3广色域,原彩显示,支持Apple Pencil悬停功能。
智东西(公众号:zhidxcom)编译 | 汪越编辑 | 漠影智东西12月16日消息,据彭博社记者马克·古尔曼(Mark Gurman)报道,苹果正在开发一款折叠屏iPad,预计将在2028年左右推出,屏幕展开后将达到两个iPad ...
外媒引述消息人士报道,苹果公司 (Apple Inc.)计划于明年春季发布第11代iPad,将预载最新版本的作业软件iPadOS 18.3。早前传出Apple亦计划明年首季发布iPhone ...
TL;DR: The grade-A refurbished iPad mini 5th Gen packs a powerful punch in a compact design with stunning visuals and ...
苹果市值逼近4万亿美元,投资者预期AI促进iPhone大卖,iphone,苹果,微软,apple,ipad,英伟达 ...
Now available for just $299.99 (regularly $549), this refurbished iPad mini is an affordable offer that lets you enjoy premium Apple features without the hefty price tag. The iPad mini 5th Gen is ...
The Apple AirTag is one of the best Bluetooth trackers if you’re using an iPhone or iPad because not only does it offer a one-tap setup, but it can utilize the millions of devices in Apple’s ...