It’s been great, but the great deals are starting to slowly go away. There are a few great offers here and there, though.
As we look to 2025 and likely the arrival of a few new iPads, including a new entry-level tablet and iPadOS 19, let’s look ...
From iPads to laptops, we routinely scour Woot to bring you the best sales on the best products.Woot deals have a very short ...
Apple enthusiasts have a reason to celebrate as Vijay Sales brings back its much-anticipated Apple Days Sale. From 29th ...
屏幕方面,搭载的是全层压Liquid视网膜显示屏,采用ips技术,像素密度新款iPad Pro一样都是264 PPI。11英寸SDR亮度是500尼特,13英寸款到600尼特。都是P3广色域,原彩显示,支持Apple Pencil悬停功能。
智东西(公众号:zhidxcom)编译 | 汪越编辑 | 漠影智东西12月16日消息,据彭博社记者马克·古尔曼(Mark Gurman)报道,苹果正在开发一款折叠屏iPad,预计将在2028年左右推出,屏幕展开后将达到两个iPad ...
外媒引述消息人士报道,苹果公司 (Apple Inc.)计划于明年春季发布第11代iPad,将预载最新版本的作业软件iPadOS 18.3。早前传出Apple亦计划明年首季发布iPhone ...
TL;DR: The grade-A refurbished iPad mini 5th Gen packs a powerful punch in a compact design with stunning visuals and ...
Now available for just $299.99 (regularly $549), this refurbished iPad mini is an affordable offer that lets you enjoy premium Apple features without the hefty price tag. The iPad mini 5th Gen is ...