Featuring Jean Beliveau this short film focuses on hockey from the inside out Known as Canadas national pastime this film demonstrates why hockey is such an exciting spectator sport From east to ...
He represents the modern idea of the black hockey player that Mason so passionately wants to show us in hopes of encouraging more participation from the black community. And the film’s tone ...
Slovakia is a hockey nation The land of Stanley Cup winners ... chance to ignite passion in the new generation of fans The film maps four months before the start of the championships in the ...
"Do they really hate each other?" Teemu Selanne and Brett Hull play over-the-top versions of themselves in Minor Leaguer, the latest hockey film to poke fun at the game. In the wildly popular ...
What to expect: The film explores how Boucha overcame post-hockey struggles, reconnected with his family and hometown, and ultimately "reclaimed his true identity," said director Leya Hale.