Xiaomi's YU7 SUV enters the luxury EV market, boasting sporty design, powerful performance, and competitive pricing around ...
Deliveries of the Xiaomi YU7 SUV are scheduled to start in June or July, and it's expected to give a big boost to the brand's ...
The Xiaomi SU7 is making waves with its hidden fish mode, demonstrated by a fisherman using the frunk for live fish storage.
Tech giant Xiaomi, entered the global automotive segment in March last year with its first EV, the SU7. The Xiaomi SU7 is ...
【CNMO科技消息】近日,CNMO注意到,小米科技有限责任公司已申请注册多枚“XIAOMI YU7”和“XIAOMI YU”商标,涵盖的领域广泛,国际分类包含运输贮藏、运输工具、科学仪器等,当前商标状态均为等待实质审查。
Xiaomi has taken the EV market by storm, surpassing its revised delivery target with over 130,000 SU7 electric sedans sold in ...
自12月9日 小米 官方突然官宣首款SUV,定名为“小米YU7”以来,新车的消息就一直被大家所关注。 据悉,“小米YU7”已在工信部官网公示, 这次申请注册小米YU7的多款商标,是在为2025年6、7月正式量产上市做准备。
Xiaomi SU7 sedan hits 130,000 deliveries in 9 months, surpassing goals; new models and production expansion planned for 2025.
近日,小米科技有限责任公司已申请注册多枚“XIAOMI YU7”和“XIAOMI YU”商标。这些商标涵盖的领域广泛,包括运输贮藏、运输工具、科学仪器等。目前,这些商标状态均为等待实质审查。
12月9日晚,小米汽车官方微博公布了其第二款车型及命名,新车名为“小米YU7”。根据工信部信息,小米YU7车身尺寸为长4999毫米、宽1996毫米、高1600 ...
日前,《每日经济新闻》记者从天眼查获悉,小米科技有限责任公司近期申请注册了多枚“ XIAOMI YU7 ”、“ XIAOMI YU ”商标,国际分类包含运输贮藏、运输工具、科学仪器等,当前这些商标的状态均为等待实质审查。