美国总统唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)星期四(3月13日)向欧盟发出警告,如果欧盟针对美国威士忌加征关税的计划如期实施,美国将对从欧洲进口的酒类加征200%报复性关税。
US President Donald Trump said Monday that 25 percent tariffs on Mexico and Canada will take effect on Tuesday, March 4.
唐纳德·特朗普威胁对欧洲酒精征收 200% 的关税,加剧了贸易紧张局势,引发了行业警告和欧盟的反制措施。 Alcohol is shaping up to be a key friction point in the trade war US ...
On Thursday, U.S. President Donald Trump threatened to impose a 200-percent tariff on all wines, champagnes, and other alcoholic beverages from France and other EU member states unless the whisky ...
12 小时on MSN
美国总统唐纳德·特朗普 (Donald Trump)周四在与欧盟快速升级的贸易战中再次出招,宣布将对美国从欧盟进口的葡萄酒、香槟和其他酒精饮料征收200%的关税。 特朗普说,发出关税威胁是为了回应 欧盟决定对美国威士忌征收50%的关税 。而欧盟的决定本身是为了回应特朗普本周对钢铝征收的25%的关税。
Mexican President Claudia Sheinbaum and her US counterpart Donald Trump have agreed on another month-long pause to a ...
Many analysts warn that U.S. tariffs on steel and aluminum, along with ongoing tariff threats, are creating uncertainty and ...
美国总统唐纳德·特朗普 (Donald Trump)星期二 (3月11日)警告将对加拿大钢铝计划加征的关税从25%加倍至50%,导致安大略省政府暂停对销往美国的电力征收附加费的计划。 因此,白宫贸易顾问彼得·纳瓦罗 (Peter ...
Global stock markets have continued to fall over concerns about the negative economic impact of Donald Trump's trade tariffs.
TMTPOST -- The Trump administration is pressuring two neighbour countries to align with new U.S. tariffs on ...
加拿大葡萄酒商希望在全国范围内直接向消费者销售葡萄酒,通过消除目前阻碍葡萄酒销售的限制来开拓新市场。目前,也有人呼吁放宽鸡蛋或雪蟹等商品的省际销售,并降低某些领域技术工人流动的难度,以提振经济,帮助抵消美国总统特朗普 (Donald ...