State of the State address, Ohio Governor Mike DeWine addressed the workforce, education, childcare, youth vision, dental and ...
Gov. Mike DeWine is calling for changes to Ohio's dog laws following publication of an eight-month investigation by The ...
CLEVELAND, Ohio - In his penultimate state of the state address, Gov. Mike DeWine pushed for more focus on social studies in ...
Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine will lay out his priorities to lawmakers today at noon during State of the State address ...
Not all workers will be required to return on day one. DeWine's order and the policy changes made by DAS allow agencies to ...
House Republicans plan to scrap the governor's proposals to raise sin taxes to pay for tax credits and a new stadium for the ...
Gov. Mike DeWine is set to deliver his annual, and second to last, State of the State address on Wednesday. The governor will ...
Governor Mike DeWine called on lawmakers to ban cell phones in all Ohio schools during his State of the State Address.
DeWine touted two programs he said will help the state retain more graduates from Ohio colleges and universities. One is the ...
Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine is scheduled to deliver his state of the state address before a joint session of the General Assembly ...
Lawmakers are preparing to dump Gov. Mike DeWine’s proposed tax hikes on cigarettes, marijuana, and sports gambling, as well as advance a plan to issue $600 million in bonds for a new Cleveland Browns ...
We’ve created all these incredible economic opportunities. Now our mission as a state is to act with great urgency and ...