屏幕方面,搭载的是全层压Liquid视网膜显示屏,采用ips技术,像素密度新款iPad Pro一样都是264 PPI。11英寸SDR亮度是500尼特,13英寸款到600尼特。都是P3广色域,原彩显示,支持Apple Pencil悬停功能。
平板电脑携带方便,功能强大,是很多人出差或者学习必备的产品。平板产品中,苹果是首发的品牌,现在也是卖的最贵的,当然也是性能更好的。一直想买一个,考虑一部到位多花一点钱买个自己喜好的。于是乎Apple iPad Air ...
Apple's iPad 11 couldn't come soon enough. The latest leak reveals that Cupertino's entry-level tablet will be released with ...
Apple didn't release a new base model iPad in 2024. According to a new report, that might change in spring 2025.
TL;DR: The grade-A refurbished iPad mini 5th Gen packs a powerful punch in a compact design with stunning visuals and ...
智东西(公众号:zhidxcom)编译 | 汪越编辑 | 漠影智东西12月16日消息,据彭博社记者马克·古尔曼(Mark Gurman)报道,苹果正在开发一款折叠屏iPad,预计将在2028年左右推出,屏幕展开后将达到两个iPad ...
The price of this $350 tablet melts away quickly when you stack Amazon's 20% off sale with the $29 on-page coupon.
2024年12月21日 09:05中关村在线 ...
苹果市值逼近4万亿美元,投资者预期AI促进iPhone大卖,iphone,苹果,微软,apple,ipad,英伟达 ...
Image Wand is a tool in the Markup mode found in Notes, Pages or any app that uses the system's built-in drawing capabilities ...